April 4, 2019 Lent Daily Devotional: God is Good, God is Great, and I Thank Him for My Life...


God is Good, God is Great, and I Thank Him for My Life...

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. ~ PHILIPPIANS 4:6 (NIV)

The title is part of a grace that our sons prayed when they were young. Over the years I have changed it to say, “God is good, God is great, and I thank Him for my life.” A short prayer that says so much.
When I am troubled and not in the condition to pray a “long, meaningful prayer,” I use this short prayer. I can repeat it over and over as long as I need to or can. It has brought me peace; it has settled me when I needed to settle. It takes me to the presence of God.

Recently, I was ill with the flu for several days. It was a difficult time physically and mentally. My wife and I are both active people who stay busy and always have some kind of project in progress. For either of us to slow down is difficult.

One of the days while I was in bed, this short prayer came to mind. I began to repeat it for a time. Then I started to give thanks as part of the prayer. I said, “God is good, God is great, and I thank Him for His many blessings, for His wisdom, His healing.” Soon family members were included: God is good, God is great, and I thank Him for my wife, my family, and church family — person by person, others in my life who have served as mentors, and so on. I also thanked God for the abilities He has given me, the joy, the peace, the faith. I again thanked Him for my life.

As my Christian walk has continued over the years, my faith has grown, and the power of prayer still amazes me.

God is good, God is great, and I thank Him for my life.