Trinity Library
The Trinity Library houses more than 3,100 titles, including books, DVDs, and some CDs.
Major sections include Fiction, Biography, Nonfiction, Children, Easy Reader, Junior, and Youth
The Trinity Library houses more than 3,100 titles, including books, DVDs, and some CDs.
Major sections include Fiction, Biography, Nonfiction, Children, Easy Reader, Junior, and Youth
The mission of the Trinity library is to promote spiritual growth, education, Christian perspective, and encouragement in the body of Christ through the availability of biblically sound and accurate materials.
Where is the library?
First floor. From outside entrance door and elevator, far right corner. The room is also used for the 6th grade CrossWalk class.
When can we use the library?
Any time the church is open, feel free to browse and borrow. On Sundays, use it before 10 a.m. and after 11 a.m. (Sixth graders come in at 10 a.m. for CrossWalk.)
Will anyone be there to help?
We will try to have someone in the library to help people find things and check out items. But if no one is in there, practice self-service!
What is in the library?
Books – for all ages
DVDs – for children, family, and educational use
CDs – We have some audiobooks and CDs of inspirational speakers (e.g., Joyce Meyer).
Topics are wholesome and faith-based in some way.
How do I find a book?
There is a classification chart on the wall next to the bookshelves.
Labels on the bookshelves will also help you find what you want.
Kids’ books are color coded on the shelves and on the books, based on reading levels and appropriateness of content.
Green – Picture books
Yellow – Easy reader
Red – Junior, content appropriate for ages 6-16
Blue – Youth, content good for ages 12 and older
How do I check out a book or DVD?
1. Pull out the card from the back of the book or DVD.
2. Write your name on the card.
3. Leave the card in the basket on the white desk.
How long can I keep an item?
You can check out an item for a few weeks. There is no return pressure unless the item is brand new in a series and others are waiting for it. In that case, please honor a 2-week checkout.
Are there overdue fines?
There are no fines for overdue items. Every few months, we will review outstanding materials and remind you if you have outstanding items.
How many items may I take out?
There is no set rule for this. Two books and a DVD might be a reasonable number to start with. Adults who read quickly and frequently may take several books at a time.
How do I return a book or video?
DO NOT put an item back on the shelves. Put the item in the blue drop box found outside the library or upstairs in the slot of the Welcome Desk in the narthex.
Can I suggest a book for the library?
Suggestions and recommendations are always appreciated. In that way we can appeal to the varied interests and needs of our congregation. Email the librarian at
Donating books
We are grateful for donated books. We appreciate books that are in excellent condition and are Christian-based. Please leave books in the library or the church office. We love it when you tell us who left the books. If we can’t use them, we will pass them on to someone who can.
Note: Please do not leave boxes and bags of “all the books I cleaned off my shelves.” We do not keep cookbooks, National Geographic, craft books, textbooks, or magazines. We donate Bibles to a local ministry.
Financial donations
We always appreciate a financial donation in honor or memory of someone. We will not label a specific book in honor or memory of someone. Instead, we will send a card to the person or family and tell them you made a donation to the library in honor or memory. Just designate your donation for “Library.”
Click on this to see the Book Classification chart.
Click on this to see the Criteria for Book Selection and Removal.