Wedding Music Planning Guide

Please use the guide below to aid in selecting music for your wedding. Each section has multiple examples given, however please do not feel limited by these examples. If there are songs not listed here that you’d like, please consult with Ray and we’ll see where we can fit them in. You’ll notice that some songs have a * or ^ symbol next to them. The * will denote songs that are most frequently played at weddings and the ^ will denote Ray’s personal suggestions. Again, please do not feel limited by these! Click on each song to listen to an example on YouTube.


Prelude music will begin 15 - 30 minutes before the start of mass. This music will be piano or organ only, unless a song is specifically requested to be sung. Classical pieces, hymns, and even modern choices are appropriate here. Choose as many as you’d like, and / or leave it as musician’s choice. Some examples include, but are not limited to: 


There may be up to three separate processions: the parents, the bridal party, and the bride. Each procession may have a separate song, or the procession of the parents and bridal party may use the same song. Please choose the appropriate number of songs accordingly. Some examples include:

Responsorial Psalm

The Responsorial Psalm is a piece taken from the Book of Psalms. Psalms 27, 33, 34, 89, 118, and 128 are most appropriate for the wedding mass. Listed below are the common refrain of each psalm with various musical settings for each. Please choose one. 

Psalm Refrains:

  • Psalm 27: “I believe I shall see the goodness f the Lord.”

  • Psalm 33: “The earth is full of the goodness of God.”

  • Psalm 34: “Taste and see the goodness of the Lord.”

  • Psalm 89: “Forever I will sing the goodness of the Lord.”

  • Psalm 118: “This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad.”

  • Psalm 128: “Blest are those who fear the Lord.”

Psalm Settings:

Gospel Acclamation

The Gospel Acclamation is a sung “Alleluia” immediately proceeding the 2nd reading with a verse from scripture separating the “Alleluias”. Common verses are listed below. If another verse is desired, please discuss with the musician. Below the verses is a list of common musical settings. Please choose one verse and one setting. Note: The verse sung in the example links will be replaced with whichever verse is selected below.

Gospel Acclamation Verses:

- 1 John 4:7b “Everyone who loves is begotten of God and knows God.”

- 1 John 4:8b, 11 “God is love; Let us love one another, as God has loved us.”

- 1 John 4:12 “If we love one another, God remains in us, and his love is brought to perfection in us”

- 1 John 4:16 “Whoever remains in love, remains in God and God in him”

Gospel Acclamation Settings:

Preparation of the Gifts

The Preparation of the Gifts beings the Liturgy of the Eucharist where we prepare to receive communion. A song will be sung as the gifts are brought forward and the table is prepared. Please choose one. 

Mass Setting

The Mass Setting includes four songs during the preparation and consecration of the Eucharist: the Holy, the Memorial Acclamation, the Great Amen, and the Lamb of God. These songs are sung or recited at every mass. Common settings are listed below. Please choose one.


The Communion song will be sung while the congregation receives Holy Communion.

Dedication to the Blessed Virgin Mary

If flowers will be offered to the Blessed Virgin Mary, an appropriate Marian Hymn can be sung or played during that time. Please choose one and specify if you’d like it sung or just played. 


This song will played while the bride and groom, bridal party, and congregation exit the church. Please choose one. 

If you have any questions or need help with anything at all, please reach out to Ray anytime! You can call / text at 609-617-5079 or email at Thank you!