To our beloved Trinity family,
Greetings in the Everlasting Name above all Names—our Lord Jesus Christ! We have been educating ourselves through webinars with the World Health Organization, watching our National Health Leaders instructions, and going to web sites set up specifically for the important data on Covid-19. Moreover, our Bishop and Superintendent have been communicating with up to date decisions and recommendations for United Methodist congregations. So, we have been following the command of Christ to “Watch and pray.”
Many have seen our Governor’s admonition to endeavor to limit public gatherings to 250 people. Since Trinity has three congregations that meet, we fall in conformity with that request. While it is today, we will continue to hold Sunday worship. Your staff will continue to give Sunday updates on changes being made to programs like Engage. As changes are made you will be notified. Also, should you feel great anxiety about attending due to health precautions, you may participate through Facebook live at 9:50am. You are encouraged to continue your giving of tithes and offerings via electronic giving, or through the church office, open Monday through Friday from 8am-4pm (in the event that you will not be in Sunday attendance due to health precautions). We, your staff, are diligently praying for your safety and well-being in these challenging times. If you have not kept abreast of info to date, I encourage you to go to: The Center for Disease Control:; or
These trying times become the Church’s great opportunity for you to share the encouragement, love, and kindness of Jesus Christ in a time of great need. Please make every extra effort to be kind and tender hearted to one another in this period of great upheaval. Show extra patience with leaders and those around you who are endeavoring to serve you with all of the increasing stress in these fearful days. God is counting on you to be a difference maker. Your church will endeavor to negotiate the difficult boundary waters between keeping the house of God open for spiritual encouragement in a time of international and community need, to doing so with the most careful eye to public health and safety. Most of all, we need unity to go beyond our differences to create the atmosphere of pulling together in the great effort of loving God, fellow believers, and our entire community in such a way that our sacred privilege is fulfilled in making the world better. You are loved by all of your staff. We will keep updates coming.
In His Amazing Grace,
Pastor Ron