
Worship Times


6:30pm - Contemporary
Trinity Kids


12:30pm - Traditional


11am - Traditional
Live Stream on YouTube


9am - Contemporary
Trinity Kids
Live Stream on YouTube

 Lent at Trinity Mullica Hill

Lent. A season that bridges winter to spring. It is a time of reflecting and purposeful pursuit of what we believe and stand for as Christians. Our shared goal is to invest time wisely so that when this season is over, we emerge renewed, joining together in the greatest celebration of all- Easter!

What is Lent? - Lent is a season of the Christian Year. From Ash Wednesday until Easter, our aim is to live simply, give, pray and fast as a means of keeping our actions and thought life on the passion of Christ.

Ways to Connect and Grow

Bible Studies, Prayer, & Discipleship Groups

  • Prayer - Zoom - Thursday @ 7AM

  • Hour of Prayer (in-Person) - The Sanctuary will be open - Wednesday @ 12 PM - 1 PM – Feb 17 - Mar 31

  • What Matters Most study - Women’s Bible Study on Zoom - Thursday @ 7 PM

  • Moving Mountains study - Women’s Bible Study on Zoom - Thursday @ 10:30 AM, beginning March 4

  • Study on James - Men’s Bible Study on Zoom - Wednesday @ 7:45 PM

  • Women’s Breakfast - Zoom - Second Saturday @ 9 AM

  • For more information or to join a Bible study, contact grow@trinitymullicahill.org




+ GIVE - PRAY - FAST ~ Ten ideas for action in this season +

  1. Give as a Volunteer. One hour may not seem a great sacrifice, yet it can create maximum impact.
  1. Pray. Start with those you see walk by your home or as you drive to and from work.
  1. Sh- It’s a secret. Try to be under the radar it how you give. Leave a small gift on someone’s door. Send an encouragement card without signing it.
  1. Count Your Blessings. Cultivate an attitude of gratitude. Begin with a list of people you are grateful for, then reach out and express your thankfulness for their impact.
  1. Silence. Create a daily quiet time. Spend 30 minutes a day in silence and prayer.
  1. Small Sacrifices. What could you give up? One cup of coffee? Weekly fast food? Use money saved to in a new way of giving- especially missions and ministries impacted by COVID-19.
  1. Forgive. Yup- those that hurt us, or even our own mistakes. Bring it first to God, then come to terms with what action is needed.
  1. Read the Bible. This year’s Lent challenge offers a few verses for daily meditation.
  1. Change your Habits. Keep it simple, make it frequent. Pray as you brush your teeth, hear the phone ring, or check your e-mail.
  1. Fast. Try reducing your electronic intake. Instead, use that precious time to read, pray, and plan new ways to give