COVID-19 and Trinity

Updated 5:00pm on 3/16

A letter from pastor ron

Dear Sisters and Brothers,

As our nation and state continue to deliberate and direct our public well being and response to Covid-19, our plans for Trinity evolve in response. Today I received direction from our Superintendent that all our district churches, Trinity included, are to close on Sunday. THERE WILL BE NO WORSHIP SERVICES THIS SUNDAY, MARCH 22, 2020.

Moreover, the latest CDC request is that all meetings greater than 50 be closed. They are also requesting all businesses remain closed between 8pm and 5am. After meeting with Pastor Scott and conversing with other district leaders, I am requesting that there be NO GROUPS MEETING AT THE CHURCH UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. I realize that YPATT will need to work from Trinity to continue to feed people, etc. I have been told that they will be doing curb side service for those who pick up food. Also, I anticipate calling some musicians in order that we may video you for internet services we will make available through the Trinity website. My next letter will direct you on how to worship with us online and also how to view bible studies or class meetings online. Please stay tuned for our new realities and we, your staff, will continue to communicate and give direction. However, until further notice, ALL WORSHIP SERVICES AND GROUP MEETINGS AT TRINITY ARE CANCELLED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE.

This request comes with great sadness. I will greatly miss your company. But, as your shepherd, I hold your well-being close. The Lord will be our “present help in our time of need.” Please stay very close to our announcements so that we can stay close spiritually even as we are physically separate. There will be special ways we will seek to serve Christ together in this challenging time. Let us pray constantly for one another and do all the good we can, with Christ as our helper.

In His Amazing Grace,
Pastor Ron
